Our program preparing students for university entrance exams has a proven record of success and it has been prepared meticulously by experienced teachers. Its aim is to ensure all students fulfil their potential.
Beginning from the 9th grade, students in Cakabey High-School are regularly monitored and advised in ways to determine and help them achieve their goals . A Work Experience/ Career programme that starts by familiarizing them with universities is conducted by the Counselling Department. This programme has a significant role in determining their goals. Students are prepared academically, socially and personally during the four years of their high school, which will lead them to lifelong success and happiness.
Individual mentoring is the basis of the system. In the 9th,10th and 11th grades, university mock exams are regularly given as well as tutorial groups, and one-to-one lessons.
Additional lessons are included in these academic studies when students are in the 12th grade. In the 12th grade, students start their studies with summer courses that last about a month. A specialized programme is provided for all students who opt either for Science and Maths or Turkish and Maths classes.
One big advantage for our students is that they have more lessons on their weekly timetable than is usual. These are given over to the study of core subjects.